March 12, 2010

Accidents Happen

I have recently undertaken the grueling task of stripping all of the doors in the home in the name of reclaiming wood. This will take weeks and weeks of slow-going work but I've become obsessed with the idea of preserving the house's integrity and reusing as many of the home's original materials as possible. Kermit was right: "It's not easy being green". I started off with a door that had a large window in it. It was kind of cheating because it had less surface for me to cover. After two days of wearing a lead dust respirator, wielding my very heavy heat gun to remove a myriad of hideous hues and applying a citric acid based stripper afterwards, I finished my first door. I thought now that I had an acute case of carpal tunnel from toting that monster of a gun that I was ready to tackle the old bathroom door. The paint on one side of the door was strangely cracked on bottom half. I had no idea what could have caused that cracking, but I would soon find out. Even with my heavy duty respirator on, I smelled the very strong stench of urine. Apparently, all that cracking was the result of many, many years of man-splashing. Stripping stinks!

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